


Bus tickets to Europe

  • преводи и легализация
  • преводи


ST Daniel Commerce – Polya Petrova offers translation and interpretation from and into 36 languages:

English Italian Portuguese
German Spanish Turkish
Russian French Greek
Dutch Czech Slovak
Slovenian Serbian Croatian
Macedonian Romanian Hungarian
Swedish Danish Norwegian
Polish Ukrainian Moldovan
Armenian Arabic Latvian
Hebrew Japanese Latin
Chinese Vietnamese Finnish
Persian Flemish Catalan

In general translations can be divided into two categories:

  • Certified translation is a translation made by a sworn translator registered at the Consular Relations Directorate of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Bulgaria which is printed on a company letterhead, affixed with the original or a copy of a document, certified with a signature, seal and translator’s declaration regarding the fidelity of the translation. Generally, documents for participation in public tenders, EU programmes and other procedures are prepared in this way, if necessary.
  • Translation for private use is a translation made by a sworn translator, without being processed according to the requirements for legalisation or certified translation.

  • Interpretation

  • Simultaneous interpretation is a type of interpretation performed during a conversation or a speech. Usually such interpretation is performed by two interpreters due to the high responsibility and the pressure involved in the job. It is especially suitable for international conferences, seminars, round tables, congresses, PR events etc. This work assumes availability of the corresponding equipment – booth, earphones, microphones etc.
  • Consecutive interpretation is an interpretation during which the speech is interpreted in parts: an interpreter waits for the speaker to make a break and then renders what was said in the target language. This kind of interpretation is used during negotiations, working meetings, seminars, conclusion of contracts and certification of powers of attorney at the the offices of public notaries, accompanying on trips in the country and abroad, at hospitals etc.
  • Conditions and price for simultaneous and consecutive interpretation will be negotiated for each particular case.